About Us

KORAI is first and India’s largest private platform for products that are providing hand made products from traditional techniques, skills and hand-based processes.

KORAI being present in Rural area of Kutch District of Gujarat links over 50,000 craft based rural artisans to modern domestic and global urban markets, thereby creating a base for skilled, sustainable rural employment, and preserving India’s traditional handicrafts in the process.

KORAI’s products are natural, craft based, contemporary, and affordable.

The Vision

At KORAI we believe to provide best hand mand and sustainable fashion to world, with aim to provide best artistic pieces to world consumer, hereby creating opportunities to local craftsman.

The Mission

We are committed and  harness the trans-formative power of a well-run business committed to profitable growth in support of KORAI’s Vision.

We will strengthen and support to our community of customers, designers, artisans, farmers, makers and entrepreneurs inspired by India.

We will give our customers products that delight them by interpreting our rich heritage and traditional knowledge, while protecting the natural environment.